Imagine This on Your iPhone

Yes, yet another countdown timer. Each of them has their advantages. Minuteur is great for the way it can be handled from the keyboard; TinyAlarm is oh so subtle, and has those logical preset times...

The thing that strikes me about "Minutes" is the wonderfully obvious nature of its interface. Just grab the pointer and wind it round and round the widget to set the desired minutes remaining. At the same time, a smaller display shows the time at which the alarm will sound, so it's also an alarm clock; so obvious, yet never seen before.

As well as counting down to a sound (you flip the widget over to select that sound), you can also click the bottom left icon to choose either:

  • Start playing an iTunes playlist
  • Fade out the iTunes volume
  • Launch a file or application

One final bonus: Being a Widget, you can have several instances in your dashboard for different uses, even have them running at the same time.