

A Day in the Life

Lets say you're at work with the block plugged into your tablet. A phone rings nearby with your personal ring tone; its your boss calling via wifi and bluetooth -- through the tablet to the phone. In your database panel your boss's name flashes as you pick up the phone. By tapping on the name, the timeline shows recent dealings with the boss and the document panel shows recent meeting notes as well as a fresh note for this conversation.

During the discussion the boss sends you a future meeting button that flashes in your timeline. It doesn't clash with any other appointments so you tap it to confirm the meeting. Later that day the boss thinks of some other things to discuss at the meeting so he sends the note to your meeting button. The button flashes slowly to prompt you that its been modified.

A reminder sounds in your timeline to organize your vacation; you're too busy right now so you drag the reminder further town the timeline, effectively snoozing it. Later, when it sounds again you decide to delegate by dropping the reminder on your assistant, making the task hers.

This morning the video recorder at home spoke to the desktop and added the most recently recorded shows to your database. You tag the shows to watch tonight and select some more for recording from the schedule, including a training video that shows up in the corporate tab that now appears in your database panel; dragging the video from the corporate tab to the timeline of tonight downloads the video to the block because you won't be at work to watch it.

While you are looking at a web page an email message arrives from Peter. Peter's name flashes in the database panel. At the same time "Message from Peter" appears in the timeline. Clicking Peter's name causes the message to display in the document panel at the foot of the continuous roll. As well as text, the message contains a link and an image. The message can be scrolled while his signature remains fixed in a separate sub panel at the bottom.

The link appears as a button, hiding the address; it can be clicked to open the link, or dragged to the database or timeline. When held over the database, various logical categories and destinations will cascade and when held over the timeline, a view of the near future will expand for it to be dropped for scheduling. The button could be dropped on a name or group, initiating a message that contains the button. It could be dropped on the local version of your website which will update the online version.

If the image were dropped on your website you would have the option of using that image, or linking to Peter's original.

If you chose to then "focus" on the message from Peter then the database would show all items linked to him, the timeline would show all dealings with him and the properties would show all of his details. If the Block was "connected" while you were looking at Peter's details: Clicking his address would show a map and his location with the option of directions from here to there; Clicking a phone number would call him and record it in the timeline; a fresh note page would appear in the document panel.

The properties panel would also contain a checklist of things to mention to Peter. His instant messaging address would show if he was currently online. Naturally, if you clicked it a chat would initiate in the document panel.