You have scheduled a meeting for Friday at noon, lasting for one hour. You decide to change the date and time. If you click on the meeting and drag up or down the duration of the meeting changes. If you drag to the right then a new sub-scale appears under the meeting showing several hours either side of the meeting.
Further to the right a sub-scale shows the whole day, followed by the week, month and year. At any stage you can slide through a scale to zero in on a new start date and time. Releasing the meeting over a day causes it to change into an all day event; dragging the all day event down makes it a multi-day event. Details about whether to repeat the meeting or whether to be reminded before-hand are handled by the properties panel.
The document panel is used for the agenda and other meeting notes. Other contacts or groups dropped on the meeting or its notes will be invited.
Your moving the meeting will cause the other contacts' meetings to move as well, and to cause them to flash, prompting confirmation of attendance. Your copy will stop flashing when everyone has agreed to the new time. The planned meeting is now a discussion group that will expire when the meeting starts. Any of the invitees can add to the meeting notes and edit any documents attached to it.
Selected meeting notes could be dragged onto the timeline to make a separate meeting; with all items resolved in time, the actual meeting could be dispensed with!
Projects or tasks are handled in a similar way. A task would be dropped on the expected completion date and dragged up to extend a timeline ending in a start date. Extending to the right of the task is a percentage completed bar. Its length is determined by how many items remain open in the task's document panel.
If, over time, the task crosses the current date and time on the time line then the task is either carried along with Today or develops a new timeline extending from when it should have been completed to now. Dropping contacts onto appropriate sections of the task's timeline turns the task into a project.
Any uncompleted object can be handled in the same way - an unfinished ebook, an incomplete document, a website to be revisited. Any of these objects can be dropped into the future to behave just like tasks.