
I used to run a weblog where I would ramble about a lot of subjects—some of them related to computing. The following excerpts trace my musings about replacing my aging PC, and the eventual transition to the Mac. Just for fun I thought I'd re-assemble all the entries here in one place. Here are the entries in chronological order...

After checking out the Mac mini...

I like it. Not only as a concept, but possibly for myself. I'm glad to see that although it's pitched as a low-cost Mac, it looks as well crafted as everything else in their lineup. I think I'd get a real kick out of having a small sleek looking box like that on my desk instead of the ugly black PC thing I've got now.

Having said that, I suspect I may be being swept along by the famous reality distortion field; this could be a slow — sexy looking box that I'll regret owning a few months down the road. Being the cheapskate that I am, I don't want to be forking out for go faster parts after the initial buzz has worn off.

I really like the fact that so much software comes with it, but how much photo editing can I do with iPhoto, and can the pathetic video card handle DVDs and full screen Quicktime movies without stuttering?

Here are some other things I have no clue about: Can a Mac handle a zip file? Can a Mac play a Real Networks stream? Can I rig my Pocket PC, or at least its SD card to sync with the Mac? Is it noisy? Will my PC keyboard emulate the Apple and Command keys?

I've hatched a cunning plan for when they make their appearance here in NZ. I'm going to take along my USB card reader loaded with a card that contains some hi-res images, zips and other such files and see how the Mac Mini handles them. If it takes 20 seconds to show an image because of the lack of video power and RAM then I've blown my price point before I even start.

I told you I'm a cheapskate...

Mac Mini thoughts Part 2

What is happening to me? I'm being swept inexorably into the Mac whirlpool! Although I'm a long time PC user, I've always been fascinated by the Mac world so I know more than a little bit about it. I also know that it's ridiculous to compare Macs and PCs spec for spec; you might as well try to argue a winner between gasoline and diesel, turboprop and jet, or PVR and DVD.

Better to simply consider: "What do you want to do and how do you want to do it?"

Now, my PC is showing its age. It's time for a replacement. Being the cheapskate that I am I'll keep the monitor, keyboard and mouse and replace only the box. I want the new box to be above all, tiny; quiet and beautifully finished. I want to write, communicate and blog. I want to edit photos and watch DVDs. I want to edit HTML and fly Flightsim.

That's it. Oh, and sync with my Pocket PC.

Looking at the available PCs I see the Shuttle which is quite compact and quite well screwed together. It is more high end than I need though, and makes too much noise. And immediately—there go my PC options.

Everything else is shoddy to look at, or too bulky. So what's the deal with the Mac Mini? Evidently it's as well made as everything else they make and I like its looks and size. I also hear that it's fairly quiet. I can migrate my jpgs, text files and music; and possibly my Outlook email archive. So that's my "stuff" taken care of. I recently discovered an app for syncing with the Pocket PC so that's another thing checked off. So what does that leave? Compatible apps and Flightsim.

I'm going to flip over all the cards and say that Flightsim is not an option on the Mac. But—wait a second—I'll still have my old box. I can always drag it out for the four or five hours a month that I feel like flying.

See how I'm leaning now? The next quandary is what to do about stocking the thing with appropriate software. I'll need a text editor, spell checking, keyboard shortcutting, an image editor, a calendar, contacts, email, ftp...

What? You're telling me that's all built in? (Well maybe not the ftp.) Mmm. Now I've run out of excuses. There's no turning back.

I promise right now that I won't turn into one of those obnoxious sanctimonious Mac zealots (he says that now...) So, while I'm waiting for the Mac Mini to actually arrive, I'll keep myself occupied downloading Mac freeware to cover all the things I do now—but iLife doesn't. I'll also be at the Apple Store playing with the eMac which apparently is the Mini's close cousin. Wish me luck.