About the Only Simple Database

I took a really long hard look, trying to find a database app for the Mac that was free. Apart from Register, all the others I found were either just list managers like DeepNote, or incredibly complex SQL front ends. I like Register for its ability to let you re-design it as you're using it; you can add or delete columns at any time. I also like its speed and clean appearance.

Below is a database of custom keyboard shortcuts.

Start to type in the box and it filters the results...

There's a slide-out drawer where you can see the information displayed in a different format. This is handy for changing information in multiple entries; select the entries you want to modify (perhaps to change the category) and then modify the field once in the drawer for all of the selected items to be changed.

Having some kind of an auto-complete feature when entering text in a new entry would really cap off this great app.