Renaming Files Can Now Be Fun

NameChanger is an application for the batch renaming of files. All of the usual ways of renaming files are covered (prepend, append, add date, add number sequence etc), but with a few useful twists.

The first thing that differentiates this app is the live preview of how the files will be renamed, making it easy to fine-tune the changes prior to committing to them.

You can launch it and then choose files to modify — or you can leave its icon in the Dock, ready for files to be dropped.

I particularly like the number of date and time options, which can be based on the file date, or any date and time that I choose. Why don't all time pickers use such an analog clock — love it!

I frequently grab text from online articles and combine them in large text files. Now I can name each one (for example: "From Wired.txt") and prepend the current date; making it easy to store them all in an "Articles" folder without them over-writing older versions.