Fullscreen for Mac!

When I switched over to the Mac, one of the few things I did miss from my Microsoft days was fullscreen mode. It was available in the file explorer, Internet Explorer, and I think also in Outlook. I could hit F11 and the current window would fill the entire screen with the scrollbar on the extreme edge, for true distraction-free viewing.

Now, this hack is available to do pretty much the same thing on a Mac. Once installed it's a simple matter to press Cmd-Enter to toggle the fullscreen mode, or select it from the Window menu.

The current window will zoom to fill the whole screen. The toolbars, tabs and scrollbar will still be showing, but the menubar is hidden; just touch the top of the screen to show it.

This works in Safari, Mail, Address Book etc., but not in all applications, or in the Finder. It all depends on the environment in which the apps were originally written.

There's another component called SIMBL that needs to be present in your system in order for Megazoomer to function; a link to SIMBL can be found at the Megazoomer site.

Being a hack, Megazoomer can be a little strange in the way it behaves—examples of that strangeness would include the column headers in Mail not lining up with their columns, and opening new windows from within Safari fullscreen not always working.

Having said that, Megazoomer doesn't actually break anything; if all you want to do (with Megazoomer at this current early-development stage) is have the option available to fill your screen with the current window, then this is the way to do it.

Looks like my Must Haves page will soon be updated!