Think of it as iPhoto—for Your "Stuff"

Journler is a "Multiple Documents in One Interface" application that adopts a familiar iApps-like appearance. Use it to quickly write entries without having to name or save them—or, take the time to categorize them and assign tags and labels to aid future searching and filtering.

It's equally useful for grabbing clippings from other applications, web pages and so on. For example: If there is a multiple page document on the web that you want to keep and read offline, you can access the Services menu from your browser and under Journler choose New Entry with Selection, then go to each subsequent page and choose Append Selection to Entry. When you choose New Entry with Selection, a dialog box pops up with a couple of descriptive fields to optionally fill in; hit Return and you're back in your web browser with Journler in the background; cap off this great feature by assigning key bindings to the Services menu, to do this you'll need something like Menu Master.

Another example: After making a New Entry with Selection from within Safari, invoke Safari's Open Location command which will show the address bar with the current URL selected, and invoke Journler's Append Selection to Entry command to add the URL to the new entry.

There are a host of options governing the look of new entries, and the overall appearance of the interface. Make it as garish or clean as you like.

Smart folders can be created to help you refine your rapidly growing list of entries. Entries can be exported individually or in batches; even the whole Journal can be exported in various formats.

There are many, MANY more features to Journler, such as the ability to embed multimedia and voice recordings, export posts to your blog, link entries to other entries etc.

Keep it simple or go mad, Journler is powerful, yet it won't clutter your workspace with inspectors, drawers and other sundry windows.