Grab and Read Text

There are a lot of online columns that I like to read; only I prefer to read them uncluttered. That is, without all of the surrounding ads and images and other clutter you typically find on an online commercial publication.

So I use Tofu. When I installed Tofu it added View in Tofu (Control-Option-U) to the Services menu. So I select the text of the column and press the key combination and Tofu pops up in my favorite font and my favorite colors.

If you jumped to the image you will have seen that:

  • The text is nicely indented on all sides
  • The text is fully justified
  • The scrollbar is less obtrusively at the bottom

If I select text and images and copy and paste into Tofu, the images are there in the new page as well. The final feature that makes this a great app is its memory: when I re-open a Tofu file, it's remembered where I left off!