


Zero Seven refers to the year 2007. That's when I think the technology will have caught up with the features that I'm going to describe.

So, looking ahead to then, here's how I imagine the ideal hardware and software combination. I believe that this combination offers a fresh approach to information handling. One that may require some adjustment for those already entrenched in the current metaphors -- a desktop, applications within separate windows, menus, filing, dealing with extensions etc.

I remember years ago attending a computer expo that included the introduction of the original Apple Macintosh; while people looked at, but didn't dare touch the conventional micro computers as they were called then, they were queuing to try the Macs. Once seated at the Macs they would use the mouse to point, click and drag for hours -- only occasionally using the keyboard to enter text. Many ended the evening still stuck in MacPaint, unaware of how to quit and open apps.

The system that I propose expands on that first expectation that there are no separate apps or limited associations or even synchronization issues between devices, and exploits the concept of the user dragging, stretching, and otherwise manipulating objects to make things happen

First, some more background...